PD Dr. Joachim Kretschmer


Privatdozent Dr. Joachim Kretschmer was born in 1963 and earned his doctorate at the Freie-Universität Berlin (FU). At the FU, he also completed his Habilitation (post-doctoral thesis) and was admitted to teach criminal law and criminal procedure as associate professor. His expertise encompasses a broad spectrum within the fields of criminal law and criminal procedure, especially criminal law related to commercial matters and European criminal law. In addition to diverse publications in scholarly journals, he is a co-author of the AnwaltKommentar StGB (Commentary on the Criminal Code for Lawyers) and the StPO-Kommentar (Commentary on the Code of Criminal Procedure) edited by Radtke/Hohmann as well as the book Wirtschaftsstrafrecht in der Praxis (Practical Aspects of Applying Economic Criminal Law) edited by Böttger. In recent years, Dr. Kretschmer has also held several interim professorships at prestigious German universities. He also teaches seminars for attorneys pursuing a specialization in the field of criminal law. In addition to his activities as a teacher and scholar, Dr. Kretschmer also works as an attorney. After practicing law with a leading firm in Cologne for several years, he joined TSP Theißen Stollhoff & Partner mbB in 2012

Neueste Publikationen

AnwaltsKommentar StGB

Bearbeitet u.a. von PD Dr. Joachim Kretschmer (§§ 14, 242-247, 248a-248c)