Hedwig Lipphardt
TSP | Hedwig Lipphardt

Hedwig Lipphardt

specialist attorney for construction law and architect law

Ms. Lipphardt studied law at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg and at the Freie Universität Berlin before being admitted to the bar in 2005. She was admitted in 2009 as a specialist attorney for construction law as well as architect law. She has years-long experi-ence as a consultant on construction law, architect law, and real estate law governing the contractual relations among the parties involved, particularly in advising private-sector and governmental clients as well as architects and engineers. An impressive track record of liti-gating complex cases involving architect’s liability or disputes over fees rounds off her professional expertise. She regularly publishes specialist articles and is active as a lecturer and trainer for in-house seminars on construction law and architect law governing the contractual relations among the parties involved. She has full professional proficiency in German and English. She is a member of the German Bar Association’s Working Group on construction law as well as real estate law (ARGE Baurecht), the Deutsche Baugerichtstag association of legal practitioners active in the field of construction law and of developers, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Baurecht e.V. (German Society for Construction Law).